Be A Pirate: Resumes And Why I Hate Them

Resumes and other short forms of displaying "achievement" will be the death of me.

I hate trying to put a lifetime on a sheet of paper, and I shouldn't have to. Resumes shouldn't be a list of checkboxes that you tick off because this leads to people putting all kinds of fugazi type stuff on there. Things that don't really matter or don't exist at all. Just filler.

"Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real."
- Matthew McConaughey in the Wolf of Wall Street

The problem lies in how the majority of people evaluate them, not the resume itself.

The solution is a simple one. Be a pirate. Look for shiny things.

Look for one really awesome thing on the resume. A singular thing that makes you think wow, this is awesome, should be enough to start the interview process.

If everyone hired this way, then writing a resume would be way easier too! All you would do is list the bare essentials and add all the things that you consider to be "shiny".
